As we journey through the book of Philippians, this week we learn that the church is for anyone and everyone who repents and trusts in Jesus, and we want to…
We learn that it’s all God’s, and we are free to be generous.
We exist to worship the Triune God, love people by proclaiming the Gospel, and let God convert unbelievers.
Look outward to bring the Kingdom of God to those around us. watch on Facebook or YouTube Giving links
As we faithfully risk to share the Gospel, God will be glorified and people will be filled with joy.
God keeps His own counsel and does unpredictable things to His people in order to bring about ends that we would neither anticipate nor choose to participate in. Instead of…
The church exists not for its own sake but to witness to Jesus by sharing the Gospel and loving one another.
God is incomparably holy, and we are sinners. Apart from Christ we should rightly cower in terror of Him. Through Christ we can approach him meekly, trusting in His promises…
For the good of the local church, elders are servant leaders while deacons provide compassionate care. Together, they exercise authority under the ultimate authority, Jesus Christ.
When we overcome our own prejudices against people different than us, we can befriend them. By this, God creates the true church - representatives from every tribe, tongue, and nation…