July 13, 2017

Jesus is Lord!

associate pastor

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


Last Sunday, Pastor David continued our series on The Sermon on the Mount by looking at anger. The message was both convicting and comforting. Anger manifests itself in many sinful ways in our lives (exploding, stuffing or retreating/passive-aggression), but by the power of the Holy Spirit we can be angry but not sin. Ephesians 4:26-27. It is possible to deal with our anger rightly—to reconcile quickly with those we have hurt or those that have hurt us. Matthew 5:24; 18:15-17.

What really struck me in the message (the foundation of all Jesus’ teaching) was the point at the beginning: “Jesus claims everything—actions, intentions, emotions, will, desires, relations.” That’s not most of our lives, that’s really all of our lives. If we follow Jesus, we call Him our Savior and our Lord. In my discipleship group this week, we spent a lot of time discussing the word “Lord.” We might use it in our Christian language to refer to Jesus, but we rarely use it outside of that context. And even then, do we really know what it means? The word “Lord” is an old title. Workers don’t use that term for their bosses, children don’t use it for their parents, and spouses don’t use it for each other (no matter if I ask to be referred to that way … kidding). It means something like master, owner, and ultimate authority. To call someone “Lord” is to admit that you have relinquished control over to them of whatever their lordship entails. Jesus says His lordship covers our entire life. Luke 9:24.

We come to saving faith by grace alone—a free gift of God. We repent of sin and trust in Christ’s brutal death and glorious resurrection. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. This act of simple faith makes us a follower of Jesus, but followers must, well, follow—never perfectly, but increasingly. We don’t get to claim the Savior part but leave the Lord part behind.

We come to saving faith by grace alone—a free gift of God. We repent of sin and trust in Christ’s brutal death and glorious resurrection.

But giving up control of our lives to Jesus doesn’t have to be diligent drudgery. It should and can be joyful. Jesus Christ loved you enough to give His life to save yours—to be your Savior. When you believe He loved you that much, you will love Him and joyfully submit to His authority—to be your Lord. As we continue through The Sermon on the Mount, consider what areas of your life you might be holding back from Jesus. We all have them. It may be your emotions, your desires, your marriage, your plans, or anything else. Day by day, may the Holy Spirit show us and empower us to turn over more of our life to the only One who is fit to lead it. Jesus is Lord!

By his grace,

Pastor Ken