Endings and Beginnings

August 27, 2019

Next week I will share some thoughts about my sabbatical and what I learned; this week I want to reflect on our last Sunday at 5220 Johnstown Road. As of September 1,…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


How should we recognize the new birth?

May 9, 2019

The most amazing miracle in human existence is when a person who is not a believer in Jesus and therefore “without hope and without God in the world,” and “dead in the…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


God’s Work Among Short Creatures

March 14, 2019

I recently finished re-reading my favorite book apart from the Good Book – The Lord of the Rings. I am an incurable nerd when it comes to this classic by J.R.R. Tolkein.…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


Puritanical Parties

February 21, 2019

Last week Lia and I hit a milestone – we went to the last school party we will ever attend for our children.  Annie’s Valentine’s Day party was the end of the…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy



August 8, 2018

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege and blessing of taking a prayer, planning and reading retreat at Kirkmont center (the above photo was during a morning walk). I worked on a few…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


An example of Bible study and journaling

July 19, 2018

Friends, This calendar year I decided not to read through the Bible in a year, not because it isn’t a wonderful, faith-growing discipline but because at least for me, reading the entirety…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy
