Prayer, patience, persistence, persuasion

October 8, 2020

A couple weeks ago we looked at Acts 17:16-34, when Paul was in Athens. He preached open-air style in the Areopagus, a rocky outcropping where all the latest TED talk speakers of…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


On faithful generosity

October 1, 2020

We started our capital campaign last week. Some of you have been through quite a few of these, and for others this is your very first one. I said on Sunday that…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


To Attend or Not to Attend?

September 24, 2020

Last Sunday we had a wonderful worship service with the Franklin Church congregation who graciously hosted us all summer. It was our final outdoor service, which means that this Sunday at 10a…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


The Gospel of Reversal … and a ‘friend of God’

September 18, 2020

Hello NAPC friends. In my seminary studies right now (and by extension, in much of my personal reading time), I am working through the Gospel according to Luke. This book, the longest…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn


The Gospel is not a Self-Improvement Program

September 10, 2020

Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center recently published results of their American Worldview Inventory Study in 2020 (see here). One of the most interesting findings is that the majority of self-identifying Christians…

Lead Pastor

David Milroy


The gods in our hearts

August 21, 2020

It was my first week of my first job as a newly minted lawyer. Each morning, my sizable firm gathered all of us newbies together so that seasoned attorneys could share their…

associate pastor

Ken Rathburn
