Candy Collection

Our goal for 2023 is to joyfully steward our God-given gifts for outreach and care in our church and community. One of the ways that we will do this is to have a booth at the New Albany Parks and Rec Trunk or Treat event on October 14th.
We had wonderful community engagement at the Farmer’s Markets, and we thought this would be another great way to engage the community and invite people to our church.
So, how can you help as we prepare for this event on October 14th? DONATE CANDY! We need candy and lots of it. We will be giving away candy during the event to all of the children that attend.
Please bring your candy bags to worship on October 1 and October 8th. Thank you!
Sun, Oct 1st @ 12:00am
New Albany Presbyterian Church
6600 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054