Vision & Values
Our Vision at NAPC is that we want our church to live Up, In and Out.
This orientation will drive all we do at NAPC. What does that look like?
The graphic below serves as a guide.
Our Values at NAPC represent the core of who we are as we carry out the mission to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ.

The mission of our church is to glorify God through lives changed by Jesus Christ. We center our hearts and minds on the God who made us and on the salvation he brings in the atoning death and mighty resurrection of Jesus Christ. This truth is the foundation of life. Isaiah 40:9
Our church should be made up of disciples who make disciples. We want to train, teach and grow in deep relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We will teach the Gospel to our children and youth, challenging them to live for Jesus.
Hebrews 10:24-25
All of this will equip us to go out into the world and honor Christ as Lord. In the home, the workplace, and our city, we will be witnesses. We will invite people into our church to hear the Gospel, and we will see spiritually dead people raised to new life. As the power of the Spirit works within our corporate worship and fellowship and training, we will be witnesses to our community, our city and the world.
Acts 1:8

Joyful Passion For Christ | Bible-Centered In All We Do | Greatness For God
Building Deep Relationships For Christ | Disciples Making Disciples