FAQ: Christian Conscience & Church Conflict

Join us on November 7, 14, 28 as we resume our in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) series. In each FAQ, we will address a current topic of our culture. The goal is to equip our people to see the world from a Biblical perspective, engaging the topic through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
FAQ: Christian Conscience & Church Conflict
In John 17, shortly before his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus prays for us. He asks God to make his followers one, just as the Father and Son are one. The Church is made up of many different saints, all of whom are sinners. This raises many questions for Christian community: When can Christians respectfully disagree, and when must we remain unified? Why is conflict so commonplace in the Church, and how should we resolve it Biblically?
Join us for our upcoming, three-part FAQ series: Christian Conscience & Church Conflict. We will explore the above questions through the lens of Scripture, working through it all with love and grace.
Tue, Nov 14th @ 6:30pm
Community Room
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054