FAQ: The Legal and Cultural Implications of Issue 1

Join us on October 22nd as we continue in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) series. In each FAQ, we will address a current topic of our culture. The goal is to equip our people to see the world from a Biblical perspective, engaging the topic through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
FAQ: The Legal and Cultural Implications of Issue 1
On November 7, Ohioans will head to the polls and vote on Issue 1. Some say it protects reproductive health. Others warn it creates a constitutional right to abortion on demand. What does Issue 1 actually say and how should Christians think about it? In this FAQ we will examine the legal wording of this constitutional amendment and consider its cultural implications for the citizens of our state.
Sun, Oct 22nd @ 2:00pm
New Albany Presbyterian Church – Community Room
5885 E. Dublin Granville Road
New Albany, OH 43054