Idora Mission Trip 2025

Interested in a mission trip this summer? We have an opportunity for you.
Hope for Renewal is an Evangelical Presbyterian Church plant in the Idora neighborhood of Youngstown. The EPC encourages its congregations to be involved in church planting in one of three ways – partner, patron, or planter. NAPC serves as a patron of Hope for Renewal, providing financial support to help them restore their ministry building and support their ministry.
Last year’s mission trip was a great success so we are looking to repeat that, and serve those in Idora.
Families, individuals and couples welcome to join us June 9-12, 2025. Our mission trip will include serving at Glenwood Grounds Coffee Shop, construction/handiwork at Glenwood Grounds and a community party/cookout in the Idora Park nearby.
The purpose of Hope for Renewal’s activities is to build community and personal relationships extending the love of Christ to all. Their ministry in Idora has shaped the way we do ministry in Linden, and we are excited for the opportunity to serve them this summer. Current agenda is planned as:
* Travel up June 9 (Monday) evening
* Start work on Tuesday June 10
* Work on Wednesday June 11
* Depart on Thursday June 12 (or June 11 if needed)
Reach out to Alex Lowery with questions or sign-up to attend the mission trip!
Mon, Jun 9th @ 12:00am
Hope for Renewal
2906 Glenwood Ave
Youngstown, OH 44511