NAPC LifeTeam Diaper Drive

The NAPC LifeTeam is collecting diapers for Pregnancy Decision Health centers this month.
The NAPC LifeTeam mission is championing life in our church and community and partnering with agencies providing parenting / pro-life, adoption and foster care services. Pregnancy Decision Health Centers (PDHC) is one of those partnerships! PDHC’s mission is to empower individuals to make healthy life choices consistent with the God-given intrinsic value of every human life.
Our church is collecting diapers (newborn to size 4) and wipes to support parents who have chosen life for their children and are taking classes to help develop their parenting skills.
Please bring diapers (newborn – size 4) and wipes on Sunday, February 16 or February 23. Interested in helping with diaper bundling at PDHC following the collection? Please reach out to Samantha Lehner or Beth Jenkins.
Look for the signs on Sunday morning for the diaper drop-off location!
Sun, Feb 23rd @ 12:00am
New Albany Presbyterian Church
5885 E Dublin Granville Rd
New Albany, OH 43054