Strange New World Book Study

Join us in March & April for a three session book study with Pastor David. *Now located at Franklin Church.*
In centuries past, the human person was assumed to be “a creature of God, who sought to conform himself to the truth, to objective moral standards, in pursuit of eternal life.” Today, “modern man seeks to be ‘true to himself.’ Rather than conform thoughts, feelings, and actions to objective reality, man’s inner life itself becomes the source of truth” (introduction, Strange New World).
How did this dramatic shift in how we understand human nature take place? And how do we as Christians respond in such a way as to love people and also love the truth revealed in the Scriptures about who we are as defined by God?
Trueman’s book sets out to explain this shift and how to understand it from a Biblical perspective.
We will study the book in three sessions from 6:00-8:00pm at Franklin Church.
Tuesday, March 21st
Tuesday, April 11th
Tuesday, April 18th
Sign up here if you would like to join Pastor David for these three evening sessions. Pay directly for your book in the sign up, and pick up your book copy at the church offices.
Tue, Mar 21st @ 6:00pm
Franklin Church
7171 Central College Rd
New Albany, OH 43054