Global Missions

As the power of the Spirit works within our corporate worship, fellowship and training, our mission is to be witnesses to our community, our city and the world. At NAPC our desire is to go out into the world and honor Christ as Lord. Acts 1:8

NAPC partners with Sports Outreach International on our global missions work. Responding to God’s call to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with those less fortunate, Sports Outreach International (SOI) employs an effective holistic model to change the world by restoring hope and transforming lives! Click here to know more about SOI.

Pictured above: Our NAPC missionaries in Uganda, Africa during the 2024 mission trip.

Ometepec Mission

NAPC partners with Sports Outreach and supports the mission of Tim and Barb Wood through the Ometepec Mission financially and yearly mission trips. Tim and Barb Wood have followed in the footsteps of Tim’s parents as missionaries in Mexico, specifically where Tim grew up in Ometepec. They lead a thriving church, travel to the far outreaches of Mexico to share The Gospel, work within the local community as a beacon of light and hope and provide safe places for kids to play, learn, love and hear about Jesus during camps. Check out this video that shares the story of Tim and Barb Wood. NAPC will be traveling to Ometepec in 2025. Contact Zach McMichael for serving in this ministry.

Uganda Mission

When NAPC first traveled to Uganda in 2008 as a mission team, members returned with a growing desire to support Sports Outreach that were in the surrounding communities of Uganda.  Missionaries from NAPC have journeyed to Uganda in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024. NAPC’s support to Sports Outreach helps to fund staff in Uganda. In addition, we also partner with Sports Outreach on mission trips. Watch this video from our missionaries that have traveled on our Uganda Mission trips. Contact Andy Gurd for serving in this ministry.


Interested in being a part of these missions? Want to travel on our next mission trip?