Christians are unified in putting off the old unregenerate self, putting on the new, born-again self, and pursuing true righteousness and holiness.
The victorious Christ has given gifts to each member of His body, so that everyone has fruitful work to do. He gives these gifts so that we might be equipped,…
Responding to the infinite love of Christ, we are one body under the Trinitarian God, and we treat each other accordingly.
The goal of Christian growing up is to obey your godly parents so you will obey Jesus; the goal of Christian parenting is to raise children who will be obedient…
Marriages that embody the Biblical ideal of a loving and leading husband, a submitting and respecting wife, in a lifelong covenant reflect the profound mystery of Christ and his church.
What is the hope to which Jesus has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power?
The church exists not for its own sake but to witness to Jesus by sharing the Gospel and loving one another.
We are all called to be in ministry and do the work of the church. But God has given us help for this mission and two purposes for this work…
God is leading us to the next chapter in the life of our church, we just have to stand firm and fear not.
There is a sinful and a righteous way to deal with anger in relationships. As we look to Matthew 5:21-26, we learn that Jesus’ teaching both supports the Old Testament…